Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about our services, features or site ? Here you can find some helpful answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ).

Contact Us

Is Clouds Links Free ?

Yes ! Clouds Links is free to use, We don't have any subscription plans currently !


Is Clouds Links Secure ?

It is made sure to make Clouds Links as secure as possible if you find any problem feel free to contact us !


Are my files safe on Clouds Links ?

Your files are completely safe on Clouds Links and you can delete them any time you want !


Does Clouds Links supports DirectDownload Features ?

Yes ! Clouds Links supports DirectDownload using Cloudflare Workers & GoogleDrive Api to provide high speed direct download links and flexibility


What technology Clouds Links uses ?

Clouds Links is build using PHP folowing an MVC style coding


How many storage providers Clouds Links supports ?

Clouds Links currently supports only GoogleDrive ! But rest assured more storage platforms and providers will be adeed ensuring the best features available !


Does Clouds Links supports Folder Sharing ?

Yes ! Clouds Links supports FolderSharing with features like Live and Offline Folder Sharing to provide more flexibility


How many GoogleDrive Accounts can I add on Clouds Links ?

There is currenlty no limit on the number of GoogleDrive accounts you can add on Clouds Links !